Mock App. Design: Design Thinking Group Project

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The problem: Too much traffic on UF campus in Turlington Plaza due to tablers.
Solution: An app that distributes organization’s ads and rewards students for looking at the ads.

I worked with two classmates to create a solution to a problem we found on campus. First, we thought about the wide myriad of campus problems. Then we interviewed fellow students about how they felt when they walked through the crowded area of Turlington during the day. Our research led us to find that most people were annoyed with tablers (those who hand out flyers). After a long brainstorming session and many days observing the space we decided the most logical solution would be to create an application that could replace or reduce the number of tablers. This app would also help keep students informed about what was going on campus and give them rewards for checking out the events and announcements on the app. UF2GO would also allow students to keep up to date on what’s happening in the organizations they are a part of. Additionally, students would also be able to message people in their organizations and classes directly through the app.